The Atellan Farce: Fifteen Books about Death, Writing on Water and Great Exploits (Atelanska igra: petnaest knjiga o smrti, pisanju po vodi i velikim podvizima). Cetinje: Otvoreni kulturni forum (OKF), 2012.
Novel / Historical Fiction / Political thriller
Library: MODERN FICTION (Savremena proza)
Designed by Ana Matić
ISBN: 978-86-85747-61-8
Format: Paperback, 371 p.
Some time later he realized he was levitating over the bed (in English)
The world of deceptions and illusions
On the night of the Ides of May
The Atellan Farce is a sandy book, in the Borghesian manner. It is a sandbox whose leakage you feel while you read, and when the last grain leaks out, the book has the magic to gather up the grains again, beginning a new life, offering new experiences… In this book, the author has read the hidden face of history. The hidden face of time.
Miraš Martinović, writer
A Sandglass or a Sandy Book
Oslobodjenje, Sarajevo, B&H (2015)
The genre of The Atellan Farce could be defined as a pseudo-historical novel with elements of a thriller. Although it has a very complex structure, the novel is clear, logical and coherent, and could serve as a model for good literary composition… A novel, which will be read and remembered for a long time.
Vlatko Simunović, critic
Death Is A Farce In Which Everything Happens For A Reason
Dnevne novine – Literary Supplement Proletter (2013)
Dragana Krsenkovic Brkovic has woven very persuasive prose about the last days of the poet Horace, and about the circumstances and causes of emergence of his poem Epistula Ad Pisones.
Vladimir Vojinović, writer
The Magic of The Atellan Farce
Magazine ARS, No. 4 (2014)